Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Longobardi's Lecture

Artist Pam Longobardi showcased slides of her most impressive and distinguished artwork on Tuesday night. Inspired by nature and social events, she uses these elements to enhance her art work. In particular, Longobardi discussed the influence of events such as Dolly, the cloned sheep, and the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey.
Most of her paintings, photographs, and installations were extremely creative and original. However, I do have qualms about her artwork pertaining to Dolly. Longobardi showed a slide of two lead sheep figurines. She said that she "decorated" the sheep. One was wearing a lace collar, and the other was wearing a lace skirt. She said that someone once told her they resembled a puritan sheep, and a sexualized sheep. To me, it looked like she just tied a piece of lace around them and called it art. Although art is a matter of subjective interpretation, I beg to differ that her little sheep's were art.
Aside from my mini-rant, a lot of her work was very impressive and original. Check out the link below to see her personal website and pictures of her other artistic creations.

Longobardi's Website

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